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Student Counselling, Advising, Health and Wellness Services

Student Counseling, Advising, Health and Wellness Services aim at empowering students with knowledge and skills that will enable them to successfully manage their career paths and resolve any challenge they face during their sojourn at the College and to live more meaningfully thereafter.

Counsellors are:

Professionals who are available to assist students with:
• Exploring & developing career goals
• Planning their education to meet those goals
• Life planning
• Solving problems, they may face while attending college
• Learning college success skills and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through Life Skills programme
• Learning effective decision -making skills

Appointments with Counsellors are:

• Confidential
• Available throughout the student’s stay at the College
• Student driven – the student identifies the topic to discuss.
• Made through Student Support Services at campus

Career Services

A wealth of information is available and assist with:
• Choosing or changing a major
• Deciding what to do after existing Capricorn TVET College
• Learning how to gain work experience
• Learning job search skills
• Locating employment opportunities

One-to-One Counselling

One-to-one and /or group counselling is offered by a professional counsellor in the following areas:
• Personal and family problems
• Poor academic performance
• Behavioral problems
• Trauma counselling
• Family problems
• HIV/AIDS pre and post- counselling
• Substance abuse counselling
• Psychological rick assessment


Since 2018, Capricorn TVET College started catering for students with disability and also participate in
different Disability forums. In 2023, the College has recorded one hundred and forty-nine students
namely Physical, Visually, Hard of hearing, Intellectual, Psycho-social, speech. The students are
supported fully with Assistive Devices according to their individual needs and Disability Lab in Polokwane
Campus as it is the main Campus for students with severe disabilities. There are also Disability Care
Workers in Polokwane and Senwabarwana Campus.


Higher Health is an implementing agency of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), responsible for supporting the HIV mitigation programmes in the Post- School Education and Training (PSET) Sector. The agency ensures that every student looks after their own health so that they can be able to complete their studies successfully and being healthy.


To be a primary instrument in our public post school education and training system in improving study success rates and completions of students through enhanced levels of overall and holistic health and psychosocial wellbeing.


To inspire success through improving wellbeing among students across the post schooling education sector.

Higher Health Model

Primary Level – Knowledge transfer through dialogues and peer education
Secondary Level – Risk assessment screening
Tertiary Level – Linkage to Care and Treatment

Higher Health Key Focus Areas:

  • Gender Based Violence and Gender Equality
  • Mental Health
  • Sexual Reproductive Health, Maternal Health and Contraception
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
  • Gender Diversity & LGBTQI+
  • Disability

Higher Health First Things First

First Things First (FTF) is a Higher Health programme aiming at increasing knowledge and eliminating misinformation around communicable and non-communicable diseases. The primary goal of FTF is to encourage health-seeking behaviour and enhancement of quality of life in young people through regular
testing and/or screening for major ailments such as HIV, TB, STIs, cancer and cardiovascular risk factors, among others.

Internal and external service providers form part of the campaigns and routine testing within the PSET sector, the stakeholders work hand-in-hand for HIV testing services, psychosocial education and linkage to care in means of referring students who need issue specific solutions and at the end of the day this is to achieve a common goal.


What is Peer Education?

Peer Education is the process whereby well trained and motivated young people undertake informal or
organized educational activities with their peers (those similar to themselves in age, background or interest.
Peer Educators are in the ideal position to give voice to their (students population health needs. So, if they are
empowered with knowledge and authority, they can be trained to play a significant role supporting the health
(social, mental, and physical wellbeing) of their peers.

Why training Peer Educators?

  • Knowledge and understanding of themselves and others
  • Communicate effectively with individuals.
  • Understanding what is Peer Helping.
  • Listen actively and attentively.
  • Be a shoulder to cry on and refer students to Counsellors.
  • Respect the confidentiality of their peers.

Envisaged Peer Education Training Outcomes

  • Give voice to the health needs of the student population.
  • Disseminate information and create awareness around critical healthiness issues.
  • Communicate clear-cut and preventive health promotion messages, specifically to mitigate against the
    quadruple burden of diseases.
  • Organize and Psycho educational events and Dialogue to empower their peers with knowledge around
    prevention and treatment.
  • Interact on a one-to-basis to screen, educate and refer their peers in accordance with their health
  • Assists to identify and follow up with high-risk individuals and groups.
  • Advocate for behavior change around high risk behavior.

The First-Things First Programme

Aims at increasing knowledge and eliminating misinformation around communicable and non-communicable
diseases. The primary aim thereof is to encourage health seeking behavior and enhancement of quality of life
in young people, through testing and/or screening for major ailments such as HIV/TB/STI, Cancer and Cardio-Vascular and Diabetes risk factors. FTP programme specifically targets the following:

  • TB
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
  • Hypertension, Diabetes, and/or Cardiovascular Risk Factors
  • Cancer
  • Family Planning
  • Condom Promotion
  • Male Medical Circumcisions

Men’s Health and Empowerment Programme.

This programme aims to encourage men to utilize health services, including sexual and reproductive health
services, empower them on how to protect themselves from infections and maintain optimal levels of health
and well-being, motivate them to become involved in the prevention of physical and sexual violence. The
programme focuses on the following:

  • Overview of men’s health and screening tests for men and specifically men’s cancers
  • Condom Use
  • Male Medical Circumcision
  • Challenges of being a man in South Africa
  • Gender-based Violence
    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexually plus. The programme aims to
    review accurate and relevant information about each of the key health risk pertaining to LGBTI persons
    and address stigma and discrimination of the LGBTI community. The programme focuses on the
    following targeted area:
  • Human Sexuality
  • Overview of LGBTQIA+
  • Myths and misconceptions related to LGBTQIA+
  • Stigma and Discrimination

Women’s Health and Empowerment Programme.

This programme aims to encourage sexual and reproductive health services, empower young women on how
to protect themselves from infections and gender-based violence and motivate them to maintain optimal levels
of health and well-being. The programme focuses on the following:

  • Overview of women’s health and screening tests for women and specifically women cancers.
  • Family Planning
  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Personality and Power

People Abuse Drugs for Many Different Reasons.

  • To avoid feeling bored
  • To fit in with their peers
  • To have more self-confidence to belong to a special group
  • To forget about problems
  • To relax
  • To feel good

All these reasons are about changing the way people feel.

Causes of Substance Abuse

  • Psycho-social factors
  • Economic factors
  • Cultural factors
  • Genetic factors

What is Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

Drug abuse means the voluntary abuse of drugs- i.e. where people choose to do so although it is dangerous.
Dependence is a bit further down the line and it involves compulsive abuse of drugs-i.e. where people are
driven to abuse them by a powerful internal compulsion.
Illegal substances: heroin, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and suchlike.
Prescription drugs: tranquillizers, sleeping pills and alcohol.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention

The aim of the ADAP programme is to expose peers to information pertaining to alcohol and drug use/abuse
that can lead to better health outcomes and ultimately influence students to reduce alcohol and drug
use/abuse. The programme focus on the following targets areas viz:

  • Overview of alcohol and drug abuse prevention (Rationale, goals and keys definitions)
  • Health issue relate to ADAP
  • Reviewing knowledge on the SA drug scene
  • Impact of alcohol and drugs use/abuse: mental, social and physical
  • Principles of good practices in working with ADAP programmes
  • Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required by peer educators working with ADAP programmes

“No matter how far you go the wrong road, you can always turn back.”

Danger of Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse

A danger with the so-called “casual drug abuse” is that it carries a risk that over time it can escalate into
habitual drug abuse. This can be the foundation for drug dependency.
Risk to personal safety- danger of death or injury by overdose, accident or aggression.
Damage to health- including brain damage liver failure, mental problems etc.
Legal consequences risk of imprisonment, fine and criminal record.
Destructive behavior-that can harm self, family and friends.

Loss of Control

Can be driven by physical or psychological factors.
Physical dependence is when the body comes to need a drug to function normally. If it’s not taken,
unpleasant withdrawal symptoms occur. The only way to avoid this to take more drug(s).

Psychological dependence is when an individual comes to rely on drug to supply good feelings – such as
relaxation, self-confidence, self-esteem, freedom from anxiety etc. This is not just a casual desire, it’s a
powerful compulsion.

Chaos for a Drug or Alcohol-Dependent Person

  • They may act irresponsibly – causing financial problems, difficulties at work or school.
  • They may lose the trust of family and friends by deceit and broken promises.
  • They may lie or steal in order to continue using drugs or alcohol.
  • They may feel shame and guilt from repeated failure in trying to control their intake.
  • And yet he or she will usually insist that there’s nothing wrong.

Best ways to stay away from Drug & Alcohol Abuse

  • Avoid negative people, places and habits.
  • Believe in yourself. Distance yourself from those who belittle and discourage you.
  • Clutter hinders efficiency. Get rid of any clutter in your home, work space and the emotional clutter in
    your mind and spirit.
  • Develop financial intelligence and discipline. Save and spend wisely.
  • Endure the tough times. Don’t give up! Trouble doesn’t last always.
  • Family and friends are a treasure. Spending more time with those matters.


Educating students about the signs and symptoms of diseases like pulmonary, tuberculosis, sexual transmitted infections, and others. The nurses also advise students to use condoms, male and female students’ condoms.

Advising male students to go for circumcision is also critical. Advising students to forget about their slogan: “No eating sweets with a wrapper” or no eating bananas unpeeled,” as this will lead one to be infected. Students are taught about the dangerous unprotected sexual conducts.

HIV/AIDS Testing and Counselling (HCT)

Counselling gives students a chance to explain what they know about HIV/AIDS and their differences.
Counsellors assist them where they don’t have knowledge. How HIV infects our bodies is also explained to the
students and students also take part in explaining. Students are given a chance to tell their story. Most talking
is done by student’s HIV counselling and the counsellor uses the listening skill. Confidentiality is maintained
during HIV testing. Before testing the negative and positive results are explained to students showing the
gazette that one line in results window means negative two lines means positive. In our campuses HIV
infection is less prevalent because out of 100 students tested, we get only one with positive results.

Family Planning

Family planning has been established in our campuses since September 2014. We are having the following
i) Injectable:
Petogen for 3 months.
Nuristerate for 2 months
ii) Oral contraceptives

iii) Implanon for 3 years.
Pregnancy is usually ruled out before method is given.

Referral System

Examination of sick students and referring to the nearest clinics.
Critically ill students are referred by means of an ambulance.

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy test kit is also available in our campuses in case of need. If a student is found to be pregnancy
positive, the nurse gives her options to choose whether to keep the pregnancy or to terminate the pregnancy.
Students will choose. The nurses always explain that termination should not be used as a method of